Rollercoaster Mum: Veggie crop (or not) - 52 Photo Project - Week 33


Friday 17 August 2012

Veggie crop (or not) - 52 Photo Project - Week 33

This week we have returned to earth from our little Olympic bubble and to be honest not much has happened. I still feel like I have been racing around like the proverbial headless chicken it's just that holiday wise we really haven't done a lot. We have seen one friend and were lucky enough to go for pony rides on her pony, I have worked and the kids have either been with Daddy or at kids club.

To aid recovery from our Olympic hangover we made the most of a bit of sunshine and got out in the garden. The paddling pool was filled again, splashing was done, BBQ's and chimeneas lit. We even did a bit of gardening!

The garden has been sadly neglected this year and we have been defeated by those 'orrible slippery, slimy slugs and snails (next year it is war!) Most of our veggies have been an utter failure but the Little Miss's did help Daddy dig up a reasonable crop of tatties - proudly displayed here! This combined with garlic, a few broad beans, some raspberries and strawberries (until the rest went rotten with the bad weather) and enough gooseberries and blackcurrants to make some jam has been all we managed. Oh well, there's always next year!

Potato crop!

If you would like to see more of my little Photo Project take a peep here.
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